Faryal Syed

Faryal Syed

DIY Mint Chocolate Lip Balm For Intense Hydration

DIY Mint Chocolate Lip Balm For Intense Hydration

A mint chocolate lip balm DIY? Just like you, we hadn't heard about this Autumn favourite until we personally tried and tested it. Now I love doing DIY's and the ingredients weren't hard to source either. And the...

5 Natural Ways To Get Rid of A Puffy Face

5 Natural Ways To Get Rid of A Puffy Face

Waking up with a puffy face is all too common for a beauty issue, yet it happens, and a swollen face is the worst look to wear on any given day. And if you have an active social...

Ethnic Online Jewelry Brands We Love

Ethnic Online Jewelry Brands We Love

Explore unique and hand-crafted jewelry designs with these 5 ethnic online jewelry brands that we love shopping from. Each piece from these ethnic online jewelry brands read a story of our cultural heritage and fine art work that...

Signs He’s Micro-Flirting With You

Signs He’s Micro-Flirting With You

Micro-flirting? So you thought it wasn't a thing, but guess what? It is! What Is Micro-Flirting? Flirting is when you're attracted to someone and are playful towards them rather than with serious intentions, take micro-flirting as the same...

6 Ways To Respond To Passive-Aggressive Behavior

6 Ways To Respond To Passive-Aggressive Behavior

Passive-aggressive behavior is a subtle form of expressing hostility or frustration indirectly, often through sarcasm, backhanded compliments, or avoidance of direct confrontation. It can leave the receiving party feeling confused, undermined, and frustrated, as the underlying hostility is not...

5 Health Benefits of Aloo Bukhara AKA Plums

5 Health Benefits of Aloo Bukhara AKA Plums

Plums or so lovingly called “Aloo Bukhara” are a super nutritious food with a variety of health benefits to offer and we bet you don’t know what most of them are. In this khatta meetha fruit (about 1 cup of...

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